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Clarence Thomas Repeatedly Went To Koch Fundraisers—And Mingled With Donors—As Network Brings Supreme Court Cases, Report Says

The Koch network and its attorneys are behind a number of Supreme Court cases—including one coming up this term.


Thomas has attended donor summits in 2018 and 2008 for the Koch network, ProPublica reports, referring to the overlapping nonprofits founded by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch that have exerted broad influence over Republican politics (the network is also known as Stand Together).

Thomas attended a private dinner at a 2018 summit for high-level donors, which ProPublica reports was part of a fundraising strategy by the organization to court donors using access to high-profile guests like the justice—which could flout ethics guidelines that discourage justices from taking part in fundraising activities.

The justice did not disclose his attendance on his financial disclosure form, and also did not note private jet flights he took to and from the summit—which the Koch network denied paying for, and ProPublica notes it is unclear who financed those flights.

Thomas’ 2008 attendance has been previously reported, with a court spokesperson saying in 2011 that he made a “brief drop-by” at the summit but did not participate, and gave a speech at a Federalist Society dinner sponsored by Charles Koch that was separate from the donor event.

In addition to his donor summit appearances, Thomas also cultivated a personal relationship with the Koch brothers through repeated trips to a private summer retreat known as the Bohemian Grove, ProPublica reports, citing unnamed attendees at the retreat, where he and the Kochs have been part of the same small camp—with Thomas’ attendance arranged through his friend real estate magnate Harlan Crow.

Source: Clarence Thomas Repeatedly Went To Koch Fundraisers—And Mingled With Donors—As Network Brings Supreme Court Cases, Report Says

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