The oil lobby’s pipeline to the CAQ, part 1 – Ricochet

North America Democracy

Nicolas Hulot, France’s environment minister, resigned publicly on Aug. 28, denouncing the influence of lobbyists on his government. The most powerful lobby is that of the oil industry, which is mobilizing around the world to dissuade states from adopting effective measures against greenhouse gases, while global warming threatens the survival of humanity.In Quebec, this lobby includes the MEI, where Youri Chassin, now a candidate for the CAQ, was an economist and then director of research from 2010 to 2017. It is worth looking into his actions there, because he could very well have an important position if elected with the CAQ. This means examining the hidden face of the MEI and its relationship with U.S. think tanks backed by oil magnates, including the brothers Charles and David Koch.According to the Vancouver Observer, the Koch brothers financed the MEI through their foundations. The MEI is formally associated with the Heritage Foundation, one of the many foundations that is supported by the Koch brothers and promotes oil, according to the Foundation’s latest annual report.

Source: The oil lobby’s pipeline to the CAQ, part 1 – Ricochet

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