USAFacts Data

 the conversation at USAFacts. Our goal is to bring you up-to-date, unfiltered, unbiased US government data to help inform your decisions and your conversations. 

Our weekly newsletter will allow you to better understand how your government works, how it’s funded, and how it affects American society.

In the meantime, here are some of the most popular features at USAFacts:

  • America in Facts, the data driven report USAFacts for Congress, digs deep into what lawmakers need to know when crafting policy for the American people.
  • The State of the Union in Numbers includes an accounting of government income and spending. USAFacts compiled the information on a dozen key issues so you can judge how the country is doing by the numbers.
  • The ages, races, and population density of the United States tell a story. Our Changing Population is an original collection of charts and data for exploring the American populace nationally and down to your county. 
  • Why does USAFacts only use US government data? Get the answer here

Start exploring the data today so you can remain informed on the facts that matter to you. And just hit reply to send us questions or comments about USAFacts  — we’re eager to hear your feedback.

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