No, AI Won’t Outsmart Our Climate Calamity | The Tyee


The World Economic Forum has pronounced that artificial intelligence holds the “transformational potential” to fix our growing climate emergency.AI can tell us how fast icebergs are melting. AI can map disappearing forests. AI can predict weather patterns in drought-stricken parts of Africa. AI can help sort through giant piles of waste materials and mine bits for recycling. AI can help companies trace, track and reduce their emissions by 20 per cent. AI can predict climate events such as floods, fires, hurricanes and other natural calamities so the global economy can continue on schedule.And here’s the kicker. A “wish list of datasets,” assures the WEF, will eventually materialize “to advance global AI solutions for climate change.”

Source: No, AI Won’t Outsmart Our Climate Calamity | The Tyee

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