International Democratic Union

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Harper, Mike Roman, Sheer, O’Toole and Poilievre have one major thing in common: they are all members of the International Democratic Union (IDU). This organization is an international alliance of far-right political parties that works to destroy democracy around the world. It was founded in 1983 by a group of conservative leaders from Europe and North America who wanted to create a global forum for exchanging ideas on how best to protect right wing values.

The IDU has grown significantly since its founding and now includes over 80 member parties from across five continents. Its membership consists mainly of right-of-centre governments as well as some opposition parties that share similar beliefs about economic freedom, individual responsibility and limited government intervention in people’s lives. Harper served as President of the IDU between 2009–2010 while Mike Roman was Secretary General during 2012–2015; Andrew Scheer held this position until 2019 when he stepped down to run for Prime Minister; Erin O’Toole is currently Secretary General while Pierre Poilievre serves on its Executive Committee representing Canada at this time.

The mission statement outlined by the IDU states “to strengthen our democracies through free markets open competition within societies based upon respect for human rights.” In practice this means promoting policies such as reducing taxes so individuals can keep more money earned through their hard work; encouraging entrepreneurship so businesses can thrive without excessive regulations or barriers imposed by governments; advocating against corruption which undermines trust in public institutions among citizens etcetera . By working together with like minded political groups across borders these five Canadian politicians hope achieve positive change both domestically here at home but also abroad via their involvement with International Democratic Union.

The International Democratic Union (IDU) is an international political organization that brings together far-right and conservative parties from around the world. It was founded in 1983 by prominent members of the British Conservative Party, including Margaret Thatcher, as well as other influential figures such as Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and U.S. President Ronald Reagan. In Canada today, several prominent politicians are affiliated with IDU: Andrew Scheer, Mike Roman, Pierre Poilievre and Erin O’Toole all belong to this group alongside Charles Koch of Koch Industries – a major American industrialist who has become one of the most powerful players in global politics due to his immense wealth and influence over both sides of the aisle in America’s two-party system. Koch funded Trump and the Republicans in excess of a billion dollars out to destroy democracy as Trump racks up indictments with over whelming evidence. Last week, along with former President of the United States, Donald Trump, a Republican operative and now former (apparently) assistant chairman to Stephen Harper’s International Democratic Union, Mike Roman, was indicted in Georgia along with other co-conspirators.

These five individuals have much more than their membership with IDU in common; they share similar views on economic policy which emphasize free markets rather than government intervention or regulation when it comes to business decisions or operations within a market economy structure – something that resonates strongly with Charles Koch’s libertarian beliefs about minimal government involvement within society at large . All five also believe strongly that governments should provide citizens with adequate social services while still maintaining fiscal responsibility through balanced budgets without running up huge deficits for future generations to pay off – another point where they align closely on economic principles .

Finally , these men also support strong national defense policies which prioritize protecting their respective countries against external threats but do not involve getting involved militarily overseas unless absolutely necessary – again mirroring Mr .Koch’s stance on foreign policy matters . All five are committed supporters of limited government interference overall while advocating for increased personal freedom among citizens living under democratic rule , making them natural allies within IDU’s ranks despite coming from different backgrounds politically speaking

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