Enough Commercial Fishing Gear Lost in Ocean Each Year to Stretch to Moon and Back – EcoWatch

“Ghost” fishing gear includes the lost, abandoned or discarded fishing nets, lines and hooks that pollute the world’s oceans and entangle marine mammals, sea turtles, sharks and seabirds, leading to slow and painful deaths from suffocation and exhaustion. Marine habitats like coral reefs are also damaged by ghost gear.Not only does the ghost fishing gear account for about 46 percent of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a new study has found that the amount of commercial fishing line left in Earth’s oceans each year is enough to stretch to the moon and back, reported The Guardian.According to the study, the amount of gear lost annually includes more than 25 million traps and pots and almost 14 billion longline hooks.

Source: Enough Commercial Fishing Gear Lost in Ocean Each Year to Stretch to Moon and Back – EcoWatch

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